Beware of Acne in the Breast

Acne in the breast is not necessarily a symptom of breast cancer. Acne appears due to inflammation and infection of the hair follicles in the skin. However, you should be vigilant if acne in the breast does not disappear within a few days or is accompanied by other symptoms. One of the characteristics of breast cancer is the appearance of a lump in the breast. If the lump looks like pimples or insect bites, it's likely not cancer. However, sometimes it can also be a symptom of breast cancer. For this reason, it is important to know the difference between breast acne and cancer symptoms.

Causes and Types of Acne

Acne occurs when there is a blockage in the root of the hair on the skin that is infected with bacteria causing swelling. Various causes of acne include menstrual cycles, problems with hormones, stress, moist and hot air, oil-based makeup, and the habit of squeezing zits. Acne does not only occur on the face, but can also appear on the back, shoulders, neck and chest, including in the breast. There are several types of acne, namely:
  • Blackheads, formed when bacteria, oil, and dead skin cells are trapped in the pores.
  • Blackheads, occur when hair follicles are blocked.
  • Papules, can be identified by the characteristic reddish lumps.
  • Pustules, reddish lumps but the peak looks white because there is pus in it.
  • Nodules, large and hard and painful.
  • Cysts, almost the same as pustular pimples that have pus on the inside, but the pain feels heavier and appears on the surface of the skin.
Aside from being caused by a common cause of acne, pimples on the breast can also be caused by specific causes, for example pimples on the breast in breastfeeding women, which are usually symptoms of fungal infections.

Symptoms to Watch Out for

Although pimples on the breast are generally harmless, there are pimples on the breast that need to be watched out for as a symptom of cancer, that is, if the pimples on the breast feel hard when touched, appear to be getting bigger, painful, and not getting better soon. In addition, watch out for pimples on the breast if accompanied by common symptoms of breast cancer, such as changes in breast size or shape, swelling in the armpits, changes in breast skin color, changes in the nipple, or discharge from the nipple when not breastfeeding. Acne in the breast can be overcome by avoiding various causes of acne. The trick, among others, by cleaning the area with pimples with soft soap, applying anti-acne cream, do not touch acne, and immediately take a shower when sweating or after exercising. However, if acne in the breast feels unusual or is accompanied by other symptoms that are suspicious, consult a doctor immediately so that the cause can be ascertained and treated as early as possible.


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