These Psychotropic Facts in the Medical World
According to the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 5 of 1997 Concerning Psychotropic, it is stated that psychotropic substances are substances or drugs, both natural and non-narcotic systesis, which have psychoactive properties through selective influences on the central nervous system that cause specific changes in mental activity and behavior.
Or in other words, psychotropic chemicals are chemicals that change brain function and produce changes in perception, mood, awareness, thoughts, emotions, and behavior. Because of its effects which can lead to addiction or addiction, psychotropics should only be used for the benefit of health services and / or science.
In Indonesia, psychotropic drugs are divided into four groups, namely:
- Group I, namely psychotropic with highly addictive power (can cause dependency) such as MDMA / ecstasy, LAD, and STP. This type of psychotropic drugs is prohibited from being used for therapy and only for the sake of scientific development.
- Group II, namely psychotropic with strong power, for example ritalin, methylphenidate, and amphetamine which are useful for research and treatment.
- Group III, namely psychotropic with moderate addiction and useful for research and treatment, for example flunitrazepam, pentobarbital, buprenorsina, lumibal, and so forth.
- Group IV, namely psychotropic drugs with mild addictive power and may be used for treatment. Examples of this type of psychocotropic type are diazepam, nitrazepam (dumolid, mogadon, BK), and many more.
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